Challenge: Transmitting CloudCoins via Email
Solution: Email is not encrypted between mail servers. It is unlikely but possible that someone could monitor network traffic and capture your CloudCoins in transit. When someone sends you CloudCoins over Email, you should take ownership of them as soon as possible to remove the chances of this happening. Large sums of CloudCoins should be encrypted before being sent over Email.
Challenge: Storing CloudCoins on your hard drive
Solution: Most operating systems have built-in encryption. Make sure your computer is password protected (with strong passwords) to keep others out of it. If you are storing large amounts of CloudCoins, Encrypt your files on the hard drive. In Windows, right-click your file, go to Properties, then Advanced and click Encrypt.
Challenge: Storing CloudCoins on your cell phone
Solution: Passwords protect your cell phone with strong passwords. If you are storing large amounts of CloudCoins, download encrypting apps so that you have the ability to Encrypt these files.
Challenge: Loss by Software Error
Solution: Keep your CloudCoin Serial Numbers and the date you believe you lost the CloudCoins. You can report the loss to our Loss Reporting System. Then you must wait for five years. If no one has spent the money in that time and the last date authenticated is within a month of the time you said, you will be refunded a portion of your loss. To report a loss, send your Serial Numbers and date lost to Lost Coin Report
Challenge: Hackers
Solution: Store your CloudCoins off-line. You can put them on a USB drive and put them in a safe. That way, hackers cannot get to them. Soon you will be able to store them in your mind. Then, no one can get them.